Chasing Fireflies

Going to a cookout for most families is nothing exciting.  For us, it can be a big deal.  First, my family is not invited out much.  Second I never know how my son will react.  He is getting better about being around little kids and tolerating other kids, but I know it can also be a struggle.  So this Saturday, I took a chance and decided to take a friend up on his invite.

My son went in actually excited.  To be honest, if he wasn’t excited I might have just stayed home.  I decided long ago that pushing social events on E is never a good idea.  When he says he’s not interested, he means it.  We got there a little late, thanks to a PTA meeting, but it did mean that the food was ready.

As usual, my son wasn’t interested in any food that was not easily recognizable.  He did manage some fruit and chips.  He seemed content.  The majority if not all the kids were in living room watching a movie.  E was invited to join them.  E refused and followed me outside to eat.

While my husband and I talked state politics, E was enthralled with something else.  The house was located near an airport and the planes were closer than they are at our house.  He loved it.  Every time a plane went above our heads he watched and smiled.

Later that evening with the adults circled around the grill, E got up and was running around the backyard.  He was basically acting out the book, Why Can’t I Fly.  He had a stick and told me maybe this could help me fly.  He smiled and continued to play happily.  When it got dark he started chasing fireflies as he ran across my friend’s backyard.

So maybe he didn’t make any friends that day.  He didn’t try any new foods.  However, my son had a wonderful evening chasing fireflies.  I can’t think of a better way to spend a summer evening.



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