Category Archives: public school


There are lots of specific words we use in the Autism world. They include things like stimming, echolalia, and scripting. I love that we have our own culture. However, there is one word used by schools I dislike intensely, Eloping. … Continue reading

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I Need to Call an IEP Meeting

We have teachers at odds with parents, we have school board members at odds with both parties. I only know what my administrators feel based on a survey. What we need now is a district wide IEP meeting. If anyone … Continue reading

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My son’s IEP binder is thick. I take it deadly seriously and I expect my son’s school to take it seriously too. We have a lot riding on the document, including my child’s general health and mental welfare. I gave … Continue reading

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I thought I did everything right

I thought I did everything right. Not that I’m some perfect parent, but I tried to be the best I could be. I thought I did everything right, but my child still experiences regression. We had early intervention. We had … Continue reading

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The Choice

      There are many ways to look at school choice.  Down here in the trenches the picture looks personal and frustrating.  I’m a white financially stable mom of an autistic child.  In many ways, my family is the … Continue reading

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Don’t Blink!

Policy changes are coming from NC DPI (Department of Public Instruction) in regards to Autism identification and qualification for services. If approved by the NC State Board of Education they could be put in place as soon as August. If … Continue reading

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A Crisis of Faith

While my personal faith remains steadfast, I have lost faith that my kid’s school can reliably educate my son. I no longer believe they care about him. So, what do you do when you no longer believe that your school … Continue reading

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What I Should Have Said: Reflections on the Class Size Rally

On a very cold day in January, public school advocates from across the state gathered to together in Raleigh NC to rally against an unfunded class size mandate law.  It was very cold.  Not North Carolina cold, but seriously below … Continue reading

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Showing Up

As I reflect on the past year, I realize that I went from someone who watches TV to someone who appeared on TV.  Before this year, I casually volunteered when it didn’t interfere too much with my time.  Now I … Continue reading

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The North Carolina Senate Has Rock Brain

What is Rock Brain?  Why do I think the NC Senate has it?  How do we get rid of it? All valid questions.  Let’s start with the first.  Rock Brain is a character in a social thinking curriculum called Superflex.  … Continue reading

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