Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

I realize it isn’t January 1st, but to me the start of a new school year always feels like a new beginning.  Since I’m currently a stay at home mom it basically gives me my life back.  Summer is rough for me.

This summer was for the most part a positive one.  Yes, there were meltdowns, and a few very public ones that I don’t want to relive.  At one point, my son melted down in a craft store while buying supplies for a reward jar.  He noticed once that someone had a service dog for autism, and very seriously asked if he could have an autism cat.

E doesn’t crave social interaction with other children, so I spend a great deal of time with him during the summer.  I get very little down time.  Plus if E is dysregulated, I’m not even getting out to the grocery store that day. I could enroll him in a camp, but so far he isn’t really interested.  Forcing my son into things generally ends badly.  My summer is good, but it just feels a bit lonely.

Still the thing about summer is that I have some control over the environments that I enter.  I can plan a vacation around E’s issues.  It gets harder the more people that are in the mix.  You of course can’t plan out everything, but man do I try.

Here we are about to embark on a new school year.  I want to tell the teacher a million things.  I’ve already met with her and his special education teacher, but I’m sure we’re missing something important.  I feel his anxiety, and I’m sure he can feel mine.  I want to continue to control things, but I know I can’t do that.

So, raise a glass with me and drink to the New Year.  Let’s collectively take three very deep breaths.  Finally cheers to what hopefully will be a great year.




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Chasing Fireflies

Going to a cookout for most families is nothing exciting.  For us, it can be a big deal.  First, my family is not invited out much.  Second I never know how my son will react.  He is getting better about being around little kids and tolerating other kids, but I know it can also be a struggle.  So this Saturday, I took a chance and decided to take a friend up on his invite.

My son went in actually excited.  To be honest, if he wasn’t excited I might have just stayed home.  I decided long ago that pushing social events on E is never a good idea.  When he says he’s not interested, he means it.  We got there a little late, thanks to a PTA meeting, but it did mean that the food was ready.

As usual, my son wasn’t interested in any food that was not easily recognizable.  He did manage some fruit and chips.  He seemed content.  The majority if not all the kids were in living room watching a movie.  E was invited to join them.  E refused and followed me outside to eat.

While my husband and I talked state politics, E was enthralled with something else.  The house was located near an airport and the planes were closer than they are at our house.  He loved it.  Every time a plane went above our heads he watched and smiled.

Later that evening with the adults circled around the grill, E got up and was running around the backyard.  He was basically acting out the book, Why Can’t I Fly.  He had a stick and told me maybe this could help me fly.  He smiled and continued to play happily.  When it got dark he started chasing fireflies as he ran across my friend’s backyard.

So maybe he didn’t make any friends that day.  He didn’t try any new foods.  However, my son had a wonderful evening chasing fireflies.  I can’t think of a better way to spend a summer evening.



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The Teacher is Out of the Classroom!

Hello!  It’s been ages since I posted.  Below is something I wrote before the NC May 16th rally, but I edited it a bit.  I will post my speech, my pictures and my reflections on the rally soon.  While teachers lead the charge, there is so much that we as parents and the community can do to help….

     It happens every Spring Break and many times over the summer.  My son and I run into a teacher at the grocery store. It almost feels like a wildlife encounter.  Look, son, Magistra in ludo non est. Translation The teacher in not in the elementary school.  Suddenly my talkative son is quiet and treats his teacher like they are an escaped animal from the zoo.

     To students, seeing a teacher outside of school introduces the strange idea that teachers are real people.  They indeed shop for food at local grocery stores, they may have children of their own, they are in fact human.  While it might be OK for an eight year old to be a little shocked that teachers are in fact real people. It is in fact not OK for our North Carolina General Assembly to feel this way too.  In many ways, this is why teachers marched on May 16th.

   It was called the Rally for Respect for a reason.  Our teachers are indeed real people. They are neither saints nor sinners.  They are professionals. We take their sacrifices for granted day after day. Our state leaders pay a lot of lip service in support of our teachers.  However, reverence is not respect. Just like all professionals, teachers just want to do their job well and the resources to make that happen.

     We have veteran teachers who have had their pay frozen for years.  The NCGA have taken away incentives to stay a teacher in North Carolina.  They’ve taken away longevity pay, and they’ve gutted benefits. The NCGA have created a system of merit based pay that highlighted North Carolina’s poverty issues more than highlighted talented teachers.  We need raises for our teachers without complicated strings attached. This is how our state can show respect.

    Our teachers sometimes work in infested buildings.  They have outdated textbooks or no textbooks at all.  Our teachers are forced to fill in gaps in funding our state has created.  Our low per pupil spending means teachers and even PTA are forced to meet the need for the most basic supplies for our students.   The NCGA should invest in our schools. They need to raise our per pupil spending as well as invest in a statewide school bond. That is how our state can show respect.

    Above and beyond, teachers are asking to be heard.  For too long, teachers have been denied a seat at the table.  Teachers deserve to be heard when it comes to curriculum decisions , class size, and testing.  They are truly experts in education and deserve a louder voice in how our schools are governed.   That is how our state can show respect.

     On May 16th our teachers gathered in downtown Raleigh.  My son and I joined them. That was one way I showed teachers respect.  Our teachers laid out demands to our legislators. I will encourage my elected officials to listen to our teachers.  That is another way I plan on showing our teachers respect. Finally, there will be General Assembly members who don’t listen and even some who will continue to show teachers disrespect in the media.  I plan on voting them out. That is a way we can all show our teachers respect.

Susan Book





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Spring Break

I was filled with excitement this week.  My week was busy and tiring, yet I couldn’t hold back the feeling that relief was on its way.  For the first time in ages, I was looking forward to Spring Break.  It is strange.  I’m not going anywhere.  I have no elaborate plans during the week.  It is in fact going to be rather dull.  I’m not even a student myself.

However, I’m going to be gifted a break from school.  I’m being gifted a break from the anxiety, the fear and the anger that goes along with it.  More importantly my son will be getting a break from those feelings as well.

It is only recently, I realized how much anxiety I hold each day my son walks into the school.  I know he has the potential for great things, but I also know he has the potential to erupt into a fit of bad behavior.  I jump at phone calls during the day.  I clench at car pool waiting to find out his teacher’s report.  Even emails sometimes make me skittish.

Don’t worry I have help.  I also have coping mechanisms, but sometimes the reality of my life can just be a bit much.  No matter how many miles I run, or friends I call for help, my son still might have a meltdown at school.  I really needed this break.  I now have to keep my son from having too much screen time.  I have to monitor what snacks he eats, because he is a kid who likes sugar.  I have to drag him reluctantly outside for some real exercise.  Still all that pales in comparison to reading another email about how out of control E’s emotions were at school.

Here I have a small bit of control.  I can see when my son is disregulated.  Sometimes I can help him, sometimes I can’t.  Still I can see if I lost my temper and it triggered my son, or it was just literally spilled milk.  There is a relief in knowledge.  I know his day.  At school that isn’t always the case.

So it is time to remind my son to take a break from screen time and see if he’ll help me walk the dog.  It is going to be a quiet Spring Break, but hopefully it will bring some relief to our stressful lives.  Plus the dog gets more walks.

Happy Spring Break Wake County North Carolina and Beyond!




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Day Interruped

I was going along my normal day.  I was trying to work down my “To Do” list of totally unpleasant chores.  I managed to get a work out in, and I was cleaning up.   I had just finished my post work out shower, when I heard my phone buzz.  That’s when everything I wanted to to that day went out the window.  It was my son’s teacher.  My son was having a meltdown.  He ripped up some paper, but then started crying and couldn’t stop.  The teacher was worried.  She rarely contacts me for minor things.   She texted me back  in what seemed like an hour, but was actually 20 minutes, that E was calm and back at class, but my heart couldn’t just move on to get anything productive done.

In fact, I had grand visions of a blog post exposing the schools eligible for Disability Grants in North Carolina, and the new Education Savings Account.  However, I got a phone call on Thursday.  I was in the car and had just pulled up to the Wake County PTA Advocacy meeting.  As the principal is reporting to me, that my son had a semi violent outburst in class, familiar faces are smiling and waving outside my car.  I’m literally sick to my stomach and trying to figure out if I should even try to go to the meeting.  I finish up with the principal and find my way to the meeting.  My heart is sick and feel drained.  I make a small remark to those around me, but inside I’m crying.

I’m crying for the child who was in the path of my son’s destructive behavior.  I’m crying because I can’t seem to help my child control his anger all the time.  I’m crying because this is the second bad day E has had this week.  He makes up rules in his head and then refuses to break them.  I’m crying because we just had a therapy session last night.  His impulse control is so low this week.

I do manage to make it through the meeting and even managed to participate.  I didn’t take any notes, and I have vague memories of things we talked about.  I did agree to a little photo, but I really wanted to run and hide for a few hours.  No such luck.  I had things to get done which now included a meeting with the special education teacher.

After my wonderful husband was able to shuffle his schedule, I was free to meet with E’s special education teacher.  She had a training the next day, and we wanted to see if we could make any progress as soon as possible.  The meeting was long, but hopefully beneficial.  We had added things to his most recent IEP, and I had an inkling that they had not been fully implemented.

So now we start a new week.  We start really the IEP that we did in December.  The team has added a few things to try.  I’m nervous that they will not work or we will regress to last year.  I know my son’s outburst scared them.  It scares me, and most of all it scares my son.  He seems to be working through something, and all he feels is angry.

Its been a tough week.  My son would remind me, what my favorite word is.  It’s persevere.


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What I Should Have Said: Reflections on the Class Size Rally

On a very cold day in January, public school advocates from across the state gathered to together in Raleigh NC to rally against an unfunded class size mandate law.  It was very cold.  Not North Carolina cold, but seriously below freezing windy cold.

I was extremely honored to be a speaker at the rally.  I was also part of organizing the event.  It was awe inspiring to see the many families, students, teachers, everyday folks who came out to the rally.  My son even came, but stayed away from the crowd.

I was also deeply touched by connecting with a few moms of  children on the spectrum.  I don’t think I’ve gotten through a speaking event where I haven’t met another special needs mom.  We talk, we cry and laugh a little.  We exchange info in some form, we form another connection.  Those connections keep me going even if its just a tweet or a post.

I also had the privilege of working with an incredible group of women to plan the event.  They were supportive.  They were fun.  Most importantly we got the job done.  However, its not just a job when planning something like this.  It digs into your heart.  We constantly ask, will people come out.  Will we get enough attention from the press?  Will we make a difference?  Will it change anything for the better?

So, now we wait.  We hope. Its agonizing.  There is of course the chance that we won’t change anything.    I’ll probably be a little more angry and a little more determined.  We’ll regroup and start again.

On Saturday, when it came time for my speech, I could tell the crowd was thinning.  We were all very cold including me.  So, when the wind blew my prepared remarks, and I lost my place, I just decided to shorten my speech.

So below is my speech in its entirety.

My name is Susan Book. I’m trying to be a writer, I’m sometimes an advocate, but I’m always an autism mom. I have a second grader at Reedy Creek Elementary in Cary who is on the autism spectrum. Cuts to education and the class size mandate have a deep impact on all our kids. It has an even deeper impact on kids with disabilities.

In many ways my son should be a poster child for lower class sizes. He thinks schools would be so much better if there were only teachers, and no more students. School is the most challenging thing my son endures. Its loud, social challenges everywhere, and according to him it smells funny. There are days my son is a potential meltdown waiting to happen.

This is why the unfunded class size mandate is so dangerous. The key is always funding. It takes resources in personnel, equipment and space to provide for a child on the spectrum. Without proper resources, I’m afraid my son might have more meltdowns in school. Meltdowns aren’t pretty. They aren’t like TV. My son is not a savant who will quietly rock in a corner if he’s overstimulated. In real life, a meltdown is loud, messy and potentially violent.

My son’s best days are days he has specials. It’s not just the teachers although their knowledge of their craft is imperative. It’s also the learning space. For many kids on the spectrum, space is important. Classrooms can be stressful and the simple act of leaving one can help alleviate anxiety. The loss of specials teachers and their classrooms is terrible for any child, but kids on the spectrum feel it a little deeper. They crave specials not just for the instruction, but for the stress relief those subjects provide.

My biggest fear is what we’re already seeing in schools as they try and adapt to the mandate. Fourth and Fifth grades are gaining in numbers. There are less TAs then there were ten years ago. There is less per pupil spending. Space may become restricting and limited. I’m becoming increasingly worried that schools will be unable to uphold the IEP or Individual Education Plan. Which in my world means, more frequent meltdowns. The IEP is a federally protected document. This is about the quality of my son’s education. This is about schools keeping with federal law. The class size mandate is tying schools hands. Those who will be most impacted are those who need the most help.

There are many struggles for special needs families. Class size mandate doesn’t need to be one. It can be fixed. Families of special needs kids aren’t leaving and we will keep fighting for quality public education for our kids and all kids.

CLOSING: Let me just share one more thing as I look out at all of you.
Today you all did something extraordinary. You showed up. It may not seem like much, but it means the world. You are standing in solidarity for kids all across the state. By merely showing up, you all are advocates. Now all we have to is keep showing up.

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Showing Up

As I reflect on the past year, I realize that I went from someone who watches TV to someone who appeared on TV.  Before this year, I casually volunteered when it didn’t interfere too much with my time.  Now I actively volunteer whenever I get the chance.  In a sense, activism has become my self care.

It began with the Women’s March.  I attended the local march here in Raleigh North Carolina.  It was whim.  I kinda wanted to go, so when a friend was also interested, I decided to go.  I think we decided to go maybe two days before the event.  It was mostly curiosity.  What I left with that foggy day was hope.

I left with a renewed view of the world.  A realization that all was not lost, and my desire to make the world a better place for my child and others was a shared goal with thousands if not millions of people across the country.  I just needed to do my small part.

Thus when a robo-call came out to gather those interested in organizing a precinct, I showed up at a meeting.  I learned a valuable lesson, sometimes all it takes is showing up.  It took more than one meeting, but eventually my precinct became fully organized with me as the chair. Again all l I really did was show up.

I also learned of a pending educational crisis in my state in March.  There is nothing on earth to me more important than the quality of my child’s education.  I kept up the simple concept of just show up.  I ended up a postcard party.  We sent postcards to our senators to try and get a bill called HB 13 out of committee.  The bill wasn’t perfect, but it was much better than the unfunded mandate originally proposed.

This wonderful group of local PTA mom’s later organized a rally.  When not a lot of people seemed to volunteering to speak, I decided to speak up.  I knew the drill, make it personal, so I just stood up there and talked about my fears for my son if HB 13 didn’t pass.  It was nerve racking, and scary, but fulfilling.  I did a good enough job, that I was asked to speak again for a bunch of teachers who were giving a press conference weeks later.

The experience was eye opening.  I discovered that a personal story can make a difference.  I was able to connect to new people who also were autism moms.  It gave me a sense of belonging even if it was over social media.  I also learned that despite passion, some battles are lost.  You get up and try again.

I’m still fighting for public education in North Carolina.  I’m still speaking and organizing.  I’m still trying, because the struggle is important.  All I need now is more people to show up.

I went to lots of meetings this year.  I actively helped out in a minor municipal election.  I lobbied my legislature for a promise to fund our music, art, and P.E.   I listened to other wonderful speakers on public education and cheered them on. I was even interviewed on local TV to try and bring awareness to the class size issue.  I showed up.

So in the new year, if you’re sitting on the sidelines, just remember all you have to do is show up. If you live in North Carolina join us for the Rally to End Class Size Chaos.   You don’t have to do much, just show up!

There is no better feeling than knowing you’re helping your child.  It is a very special type of self care.  Knowing that just by showing up, you can make a difference in the life of your child or another, is better than any pedicure or spa day.  So join me in a bit of self care and show up.






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The North Carolina Senate Has Rock Brain

What is Rock Brain?  Why do I think the NC Senate has it?  How do we get rid of it?

All valid questions.  Let’s start with the first.  Rock Brain is a character in a social thinking curriculum called Superflex.  Its a superhero take on social problem solving targeted at neurodiverse kids.  Its actually has really great problem solving advice for all ages.   Rock Brain is a villain in the Superflex series.  According to the Superflex series, Rock Brain is when a person will do only what he has decided he will do; he will not negotiate with other people.  He is not a good problem solver and tries one solution that’s not working over and over again.   This person may be rule-bound and rigid in his thinking, seeing only one way to a situation.  Rock Brain invades a kid’s brain and causes them to think only of themselves and never about others.

The North Carolina Senate has Rock Brain.  They are stuck on their class size mandate and will not negotiate even when others have told them it’s not working.  While the NC House has come up a compromise bill, the state senate refuses to budge.  Voices from the community have asked for hardship waivers for counties not able to meet the mandate. The NC Senate does not budge.  A few senate members who are obviously using their Superflex powers have devised tax plans that would at least pay for the mandate.  Still the majority of the NC Senate does not budge.

Rock Brain has clearly invaded the minds of our senators.  How do we help them rid this menace?  First, the senators need to be calm.  I suggest three very deep breaths.  They might need a quiet room to compose themselves.  For senators who are fidgety or sensory seekers, I suggest vigorous exercise or possibly yoga.  Next, they need to admit that Rock Brain has invaded.  They need to notice that what they are doing is not working.   They need to try another way.  They need to realize that they might not always get their way.  We can help by letting them know that class size mandate is not working for the citizen’s of North Carolina.  I’m afraid the rest is up to them.  If in fact they can’t get rid of Rock Brain there is only one solution left.  Any NC senator with Rock Brain must be voted out.

My many thanks Senator Jay Chaudhuri for using his Superflex powers.  We need more like you.

Click here for more information on the fabulous Social Thinking Curriculum Superflex.


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Sensory Inclusion at PNC Arena

PNC Arena, Carolina Hurricanes Announce New Sensory Inclusion Initiative

I was so thrilled when I read about this.  My family got a chance to take if all for a spin  at a  Sunday evening hockey game.  Here is a bit of my experience.

First, check in with guest services.  Guest Services is located in section 127.  They have the information about what accommodations are available and the sensory bags for check out.  They hold your license while you are in possession of the bag.  We asked about the quiet room that I saw advertised in their press release.


The staff said that the quiet room was located on the 4th floor.  They also stated that to gain access one had to have an escort from Guest Services.  Now our seats were located in the 300 section so this didn’t seem like an ideal solution.  The staff and Guest Services also mentioned a nice alternative to the quiet room.  They would allow guests needing a break to step outside.  Normally reentry is not allowed, but they said they could make exceptions.

Once at our seats we got to inspect the sensory bag.  Inside the sensory bag is a feelings chart that you may or may not find helpful.  There was a little red squishy stress ball that my son really liked.  Also included were other fidgets including a little marble you could manipulate in a little mesh bag.  My son really enjoyed the fidgets and found the bag to be very useful.

The sensory bag also came with noise canceling headphones.  My son quickly tried on the headphones and then just as quickly abandoned them.  My son is actually a sensory seeker.  In many ways he loves the noise and the blinking lights.  It also can go too far and he can become overstimulated easily.  He also has noises he likes and noises he doesn’t.  He likes yelling “Let’s go Canes” with the crowd, but hates the noises of public bathrooms.

In fact, late in the 2nd period my son began to get overstimulated and really twitchy. It didn’t help matters that he had junk food and sugar. It’s hard to avoid junk food and sugar at a game.  He said he didn’t want the quiet room so we did what works for us.  We took a walk.  We walked around the outside of our upper section as I tried to catch the game on the TV screens set up around the vendor lines.  It worked, and shortly my son was back to happily playing with fidgets and watching the rest of the game.

I never did get to see the quiet room.  I also wrote the PNC arena a few times asking for a photo.  It would be nice and possibly comforting to know where it actually was located and what it looked like inside.  I honestly don’t like that the quiet room required a Guest Service escort.  When my son is on the verge of a meltdown, he can be very frightened of strangers.  Also to have to trek to one floor only to go to another, is not ideal when one is dysregulated.  It should be easy to get to a quiet area and not difficult.  A staff member near the area should be able to let families in without a march to Guest Services.  Also, I can see my son thinking he’s in trouble if he is being escorted somewhere.  No one should be made to feel uncomfortable, just so they can have a minute or so of quiet.

I did indeed turn back in the sensory bag and my license was kindly returned.  They did reassure me that everything in the bag was to be washed.  All in all, it was success, and I’m anxious to hear from someone who actually used the quiet room. Guest Services said it was TV free.  If I go again, I will also verify the policy on stepping outside.  I would hate to step outside only to get a gate guard to say he knew nothing of such policy.

I’m so proud of my hometown hockey team!  Thank you Carolina Hurricanes for making it that much easier for my family to attend a game. I love going to hockey games and I hope to carry on the tradition.


After tagging PNC Arena in a Tweet about my blog, I was thrilled to find out that they read my little review of their program!  I was direct messaged by Lindsey Hall, the marketing coordinator for PNC Arena, and then called on Monday by Kim Jenkins the customer care coordinator.

I was thanked for bringing awareness to the inclusion project, but we primarily talked about the quiet room.  They did confirm that the quiet room is located on the 4th floor.  The fourth floor I found out is their executive offices.  That indeed explains why they have an escort.  They also admitted that the room changes based on availability.  That is why they didn’t advertise it with photos.

The good news is that they are working on a permanent home for the quiet room that is more accessible to all!  I can’t wait to see it for myself.

My thanks to the staff at PNC Arena for creating a dialogue.   I am thrilled about the sensory inclusion project.  They are always happy to hear from others so be sure to let them know your own experiences!  Keep up the good work PNC Arena!



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Class Size Chaos

I actually agonized over writing about this subject in my blog.  I advocate for public schools.  I also started this blog to write about my experiences as a parent of a child with special needs. I wasn’t sure if this was the proper place to do both.  I don’t have the luxury of being picky.  The crisis in North Carolina public schools is too great, and all the voices in my head won’t shut up.  Don’t worry, I’ll be back to complaining about IEP meetings in no time.

   What is the class size mandate in North Carolina

In a budget bill back in 2016, a class size mandate was given to all public schools.  Thanks to the efforts of activists, teachers, parents, students, and everyday citizens the mandate was phased in and delayed.  However, starting the school year 2018-2019 the mandate will be in full effect.  The mandate will put a cap on all Kindergarten through 3rd grade classes in public schools.  The caps are as follows: Kindergarten 18, 1st grade 16, 2nd and 3rd grades 17.

So, why the righteous indignation?

Despite warnings at the time, the impact of the mandate has several negative effects.  It limits schools flexibility in spending.  This flexibility allows schools to fund music, art and physical education teachers.   There is a teacher shortage in our state and it is significantly worse in the rural areas.  With a rising need of more k-3 classrooms, that teacher shortage can only get worse.  There is a space issue.  If your school is full, where do you put more k-3 classrooms?  Resources may be shifted.   To meet the class size for k-3 cap, schools may increase class size in 4th and 5th.  They may shift resources from middle and high schools, or even cancel much needed public pre-k programs.

Dealing with the poop

Raising a special needs kid means that small problems can have a large impact.  Class size mandate is a large problem with an even larger impact for kids with disabilities.  When resources get shifted, that means resources like teaching assistants get shifted away from my child.  With less help in the classroom, regardless of class size, there is potential for meltdowns.

No one wants a meltdown.  They can cause harm to my child, the classroom, or in extreme cases another child.  Its nothing like on TV.  I wish my child was a savant whose only trouble was relating to others.  Luckily the school has learned to do a great job of preventing meltdowns in the first place.  My son has an individual education plan or IEP.  Some days our behavior is above and beyond and others my son hangs by a thread.

My son’s best days are days he has specials.  It’s not just the teachers, although knowledge of their craft is imperative.  Its also the learning space.  For many kids on the spectrum, space is important.  Classrooms can be stressful and the simple act of leaving one can help alleviate anxiety.  The loss of specials teachers and their classrooms is terrible for any child, but kids on the spectrum feel it a little deeper.  They often feel everything a little deeper.  Spectrum kids crave specials not just for the instruction but for the stress relief those subjects provide.

My biggest fear is what we’re already seeing as schools try to adapt to the mandate.  Fourth and fifth grades are gaining in numbers.  This scares me because as upper grades have more kids and no TAs, I’m not confident they can meet the needs and demands of my son IEP.  This is about the quality of my son’s education.  This about helping him grow his emotional intelligence.  Ultimately its about federal law.

There are many struggles for special needs families.  Class size mandated doesn’t need to be one.  It can be fixed.  I encourage anyone reading this to get involved.  Contact me.  Contact your local PTA or PTO.  Find out what is going on in your area.  Call your state senator or representative.  Together we can all make a difference.

Want more fact filled information?  Check out this article from the NC Justice Center

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